Alyssa Gall Campus Jan 28, 2019 Uncategorized

The “nerdy” side of campus


Alma College offers many opportunities for students to get “nerdy” on campus.

On campus, students interested in being a part of a gaming club can join any of the many organizations, which are ACOG, Highland Smash and ACGG. Each organization brings something different to campus. Alma College Otaku and Gamers (ACOG) is proud to be deemed one of the “nerd” clubs around Alma.

“While there are other clubs that are focused on one thing, such as exclusively video games, we are everything combined into one so we have a little of everything for everyone,” said Saige Captor(’21), the Secretary of ACOG.

From card and board games to anime, ACOG has something for everyone to use to take a break from the college stress. It provides students with an escape from reality, where they can indulge in their favorite video games.

“ACOG’s role on campus is to be a generally laid-back club to go to at the end of the day and relax with your friends,” said Jordan Ginder (’20), the Alumni Liaison for ACOG.

It is all about creating a safe place for students to partake in games they love and make new friends.

“Joining ACOG could also lead you to find someone who shares your interests. We have people who enjoy a wide array of gaming: Nintendo, Playstation, PC, XBOX, etc,” said Ginder.

ACOG also hosts multiple events throughout the year for students to mingle and get their game on, such as Almacon and various themed events.

ACOG recently had an event last Friday, January 25 and its theme was “Horror Night.” “The purpose of the Horror Event specifically is to have a place to show off some of your favorite things and discuss with people who share that interest,” said Captor.

While ACOG centers around any form of gaming, Highland Smash focuses on combat fighting games, specifically Super Smash Bros.

Although this club has not been registered through Alma yet, it still exists as a way for students to get together and play video games.

“Highland Smash is great for people who want to go hard against other people who love the game [Super Smash Bros.]. It is a very inclusive and friendly environment,” said Brandon Nicholson(’21).

Highland Smash revolves around playing tournaments of Super Smash Bros. every Saturday from 7:30-10:00p.m. for anyone interested in competing or trying the game. Monthly competitions are also held for the less competitive players.

“Anyone can come to Highland Smash, skilled or not skilled. We have a wide range of regulars with a very diverse skill set from beginners to seasoned veterans,” said Nicholson.

For those that are looking for something other than video games, Alma also has the Alma College Game Guild club(ACGG), which was recently created last year for students to have a stressfree environment to play board games. While other clubs focus on video games, the ACGG focuses on playing primarily classic board games.

“All students at Alma college are eligible to become members as long as they attend three meetings within three months, and anyone whether they are student, faculty, or not enrolled are free to come by and play some games,” said Jared Anderson (’20).

Whether it is competing in a sport or playing video games, there are plenty of opportunities for students to be involved on campus. There is a little bit of everything for everyone.

“If we want Alma to remain a happy and healthy campus, we need a variety of organizations so everyone has something they want and need, and that includes the ‘nerdier’ clubs,” said Captor.

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